Step By Step Guide On How To Cut Marble With A Jigsaw

Things To Know Before Starting:

Here are some things to know before starting.

1 – First, you need to identify your needs and requirements. This will allow you to choose the right equipment for your job.

2 – Before you start, you need to have an idea of the type of cut that you want. This will make it easier for you to determine the type and size of blade needed, as well as the speed and pressure that you can apply when cutting. Keep in mind that marble is a very dense and hard material, so it will require a lot of force to cut through it.

3 Depending on the effectiveness of your saw, adjustments may be necessary during cutting. For example, you may need to increase or decrease the pressure and speed with which you are working with. Reduce the pressure or speed if things are too rough. This could cause damage to your blade. These should be set at a low enough level to allow the blade to cut through the material.

4 – Another important thing to remember is the thickness of your marble slab. This can impact how you cut it later. If your marble slab has a great deal of thickness, then you may want to switch out blades for them to remain effective throughout the entire job. Conversely, if it is not very thick, then you may want to stick with the same saw blade throughout.

5 – Before you start any actual work, make sure that your marble slab is completely dry. This will help when it comes to ensuring that no moisture or debris enters into either of these, which could cause damage to them over time when they are in use. However, once this has been achieved, you can move on ahead with cutting through your marble slab.

You will likely be able accomplish everything if you follow the tips in this guide. While marble may require more force than other materials, it is still possible to use some pressure. However, this will help when it comes to ensuring that the job is completed in time and without much hassle.

What Youll Need?

  1. saw blade for cutting marble
  2. Jigsaw
  3. Marble slab
  4. Measure tape
  5. pen or pencil
  6. Safety glasses and a dust mask

Now it is time to start cutting your marble. This will allow you to achieve the design you want.

It is crucial to apply enough pressure when using a jigsaw. If you do not, then you may have to deal with a series of cuts that are extremely jagged and uneven. The blade can also be damaged if the pressure is too high. This can make it extremely difficult to use this equipment in future projects.

Step 1

Once you have all the necessary tools, now it is time to dry your marble slab. Once this has been done, then you can move on ahead with measuring your design. This is a critical step as it will allow you to make sure that all of the pieces fit together perfectly.

Step 2

Now that you have your pieces all measured out, it is time to begin cutting. You need to pay attention to your work as it can quickly become dangerous if you don’t take it seriously. You need to apply enough pressure which will require some effort, but it should be doable.

Step 3

When the actual cutting process is taking place, you may need to make adjustments depending on how effective your saw seems to be performing. For example, you may need to increase or decrease the pressure and speed with which you are working. If things seem too rough, then reduce either or both of these as this may cause the blade to become damaged over time. Conversely, if things seem too easy and you are not making any progress at all, then increase the pressure and speed.

Step 4

Another thing that you will need to keep in mind is how thick your marble slab actually is, as this can have an impact on things later down the line when it comes to using the jigsaw. You may need to replace your blades if your marble slab is very thick. This will ensure that your blades don’t become dull and worn over time. If your slab isn’t very thick, you might want to keep the same saw blade.

Tips And Tricks

Use your marble material only as a cutting board. It is made of actual stone and will mar and break if you try to cut, chop or slice on it with a regular kitchen knife or any other utensil. You should also consider buying food-safe sealer for this stone.

Be sure that the marble material has dried completely before trying to cut it. If the marble material is too moist, it will start to chip off instead of being cut evenly.

Be sure that youre wearing safety gloves and a mask when sawing through marble as the dust particles created during the cutting process may irritate your skin and respiratory tract.

After you are done cutting, seal-sand-polish the edges to give them a smooth, non-hazardous finish.


Keep in mind that marble is very heavy, so it is best to get the slab cut to size before you maneuver it too much. Marble scratches easily, so take good care of it. If you want to seal the marble surface, sawing can leave small indentations.


This is your complete guide to cutting marble with a Jigsaw. I hope that this article was helpful and that you are now feeling confident in your ability to tackle this project. Remember to take your time, be patient, and most importantly, have fun!