Why Does My Scroll Saw Speed Up And Slow Down

Scroll saws can be used to make intricate cuts in wood. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as creating detailed designs or shaping pieces of wood. Scroll saws operate by moving a blade up and down rapidly, which allows them to make very precise cuts.

There are instances when the speed of your scroll saw will change unexpectedly. This can cause problems when trying to make precise cuts, as the speed can change just as you are about to make a cut. In this article, we will explore the reasons why your scroll saw speed may be changing and what you can do to fix it.

One possible reason your scroll saw might be speeding up or slowing down is that the blade is not properly tensioned. The blade will move faster if it is not properly tensioned. To check the tension of the blade, hold it up to a light source and see if you can see any light between the blade and the frame. There should be no space between the blade and the frame when it is properly tensioned.

If the blade is not properly tensioned, you can adjust it by using the screws on the side of the scroll saw. These screws can be turned clockwise to tighten the blade. Turning them counterclockwise to loosen it. Overtightening the blade can cause it to become damaged.

Another potential reason your scroll saw might be speeding up or slowing down is that the sawdust collection system is not working properly. If there is too much sawdust build-up in the saw, it can cause the blade to move more slowly. To clean out the sawdust collection system, unplug the scroll saw and remove the dust bag. Carefully vacuum any remaining dust from inside the machine.

If you are still having problems with your scroll saw speed, you may need to adjust the belt tension. Turn off the machine, and then remove the cover. Locate the belt and use a screwdriver to adjust its tension. Be careful not to overtighten or loosen the belt too much, as this can damage it. Once you have adjusted the belt tension, replace the cover and turn on the machine.

These tips should help you fix your scroll saw speed problem. If you are still having problems, or if you have any other questions, please contact us for assistance. We are happy to assist you in getting your scroll saw working properly again.

We are grateful that you read our article about why my scroll saw slows down and speeds up. We hope you find it helpful.